Use the latest STL implementation regardless of your C++ version (C++14 ~)
// All implementations are written under C++14 standard semantics
#include "preview/ranges.h"
auto map = preview::views::iota('A', 'E') |
preview::views::enumerate |
preview::ranges::to<std::map>(); // See notes about CTAD below
std::cout << map[0] << ' '
<< map[1] << ' '
<< map[2] << '\n';
// A B C
is standard-conforming, and is compatible with existing STL
// Pre-C++20 iterators are fully compatible
auto floats = std::istringstream{"1.1 2.2\t3.3\v4.4\f55\n66\r7.7 8.8"};
ranges::copy(views::istream<float>(floats), std::ostream_iterator<float>{std::cout, ", "});
// Complex ranges/iterators are also compatible with both pre C++20 and
// post C++20 std::iterator_traits
auto r = preview::views::iota(0) |
preview::views::take(10) |
preview::views::filter([](auto x) { return x % 2 == 0; });
>::value, "");
Up to C++26 STL are available
void foo(preview::span<int>) {}
int main() {
// span with C++26 standard
foo({1, 2, 3});
preview::variant<int, float, double> v{1.0f};
v.visit([](auto x) {
// member visit(): C++26 standard
// views::concat
std::vector<char> v = {'h', 'e', 'l'};
std::string s = "lo, ";
preview::string_view sv = "world";
std::list<char> l = {'!'};
// hello, world!
for (auto c : preview::views::concat(v, s, sv, l)) {
std::cout << c;
// expected
auto process = [](preview::string_view str) -> preview::expected<int, std::string> {
return parse_number(str)
.transform([](double v) { return static_cast<int>(v); })
.transform_error([](parse_error e) {
return e == parse_error::invalid_input ? "invalid input" : "overflow";
std::cout << process("42").value_or(-1) << '\n;'; // 42
std::cout << process("inf").value_or(-1) << '\n'; // -1
Compiler | Minimum version tested | Maximum version tested |
MSVC | 19.16.27051.0 (Visual Studio 2017) | 19.40.33811.0 (Visual Studio 2022) |
gcc | 9.5.0 | 13.1.0 |
clang | 11.1.0 | 15.0.7 |
Apple clang | | (Silicon) |
Android NDK | r18 (clang 7.0) | r26 (clang 17.0.2) |
Emscripten | 3.1.20 (clang 16.0.0) | latest(3.1.61) (clang 19.0.0) |
MinGW | 13.1.0 | 14.2.0 |
Intel C++ | ? | icx 2024.2 |
Copy this repository under your project and use add_subdirectory
target_link_libraries(your-project INTERFACE preview)
Although it is not recommended, you can just copy & paste files under include/
into your project.
With the reason stated in Non-CMake, installation is possible but not recommended.
Implementation available in C++14 ~ :
Header | Total | C++17 | C++20 | C++23 | C++26 | |
algorithm | ||||||
any | ||||||
array | ||||||
bit | ||||||
concepts | ||||||
cstddef | ||||||
expected | ||||||
functional | ||||||
iterator | ||||||
memory | ||||||
numbers | ||||||
numeric | ||||||
optional | ||||||
random | ||||||
ranges | ||||||
span | ||||||
string_view | ||||||
tuple | ||||||
type_traits | ||||||
utility | ||||||
variant | ||||||
atomic | ||||||
barrier | ||||||
charconv | ||||||
chrono | ||||||
cmath | ||||||
compare | ||||||
coroutine | N/A | |||||
debugging | ||||||
exception | ||||||
execution | ||||||
flat_map | ||||||
flat_set | ||||||
format | ||||||
filesystem | N/A | |||||
hazard_pointer | ||||||
inplace_vector | ||||||
latch | ||||||
linalg | ||||||
mdspan | ||||||
memory_resource | ||||||
mutex | ||||||
new | ||||||
rcu | ||||||
semaphore | ||||||
shared_mutex | ||||||
stop_token | ||||||
string | ||||||
source_location | N/A | |||||
syncstream | ||||||
spanstream | ||||||
stacktrace | N/A | |||||
text_encoding | ||||||
thread | ||||||
version |
Introduced | Revision | |
search |
clamp |
for_each_n |
sample |
shift_left |
shift_right |
ranges::in_fun_result |
ranges::in_in_result |
ranges::in_out_result |
ranges::in_in_out_result |
ranges::in_out_out_result |
ranges::min_max_result |
ranges::in_found_result |
ranges::in_value_result |
ranges::out_value_result |
ranges::all_of |
ranges::any_of |
ranges::none_of |
ranges::for_each |
ranges::for_each_n |
ranges::count |
ranges::count_if |
ranges::mismatch |
ranges::find |
ranges::find_if |
ranges::find_if_not |
ranges::find_last |
ranges::find_last_if |
ranges::find_last_if_not |
ranges::find_end |
ranges::find_first_of |
ranges::adjacent_find |
ranges::search |
ranges::search_n |
ranges::contains |
ranges::contains_subrange |
ranges::starts_with |
ranges::ends_with |
ranges::fold_left |
ranges::fold_left_first |
ranges::fold_right |
ranges::fold_right_last |
ranges::fold_left_with_iter |
ranges::fold_left_first_with_iter |
ranges::copy |
ranges::copy_if |
ranges::copy_n |
ranges::copy_backward |
ranges::move |
ranges::move_backward |
ranges::fill |
ranges::fill_n |
ranges::transform |
ranges::generate |
ranges::generate_n |
ranges::remove |
ranges::remove_if |
ranges::remove_copy |
ranges::remove_copy_if |
ranges::replace |
ranges::replace_if |
ranges::replace_copy |
ranges::replace_copy_if |
ranges::swap_ranges |
ranges::reverse |
ranges::reverse_copy |
ranges::rotate |
ranges::rotate_copy |
ranges::shift_left |
ranges::shift_right |
ranges::sample |
ranges::shuffle |
ranges::unique |
ranges::unique_copy |
ranges::is_partitioned |
ranges::partition |
ranges::partition_copy |
ranges::stable_partition |
ranges::partition_point |
ranges::is_sorted |
ranges::is_sorted_until |
ranges::sort |
ranges::partial_sort |
ranges::partial_sort_copy |
ranges::stable_sort |
ranges::nth_element |
ranges::lower_bound |
ranges::upper_bound |
ranges::binary_search |
ranges::equal_range |
ranges::merge |
ranges::inplace_merge |
ranges::includes |
ranges::set_difference |
ranges::set_intersection |
ranges::set_symmetric_difference |
ranges::set_union |
ranges::is_heap |
ranges::is_heap_until |
ranges::make_heap |
ranges::push_heap |
ranges::pop_heap |
ranges::sort_heap |
ranges::max |
ranges::max_element |
ranges::min |
ranges::min_element |
ranges::minmax |
ranges::minmax_element |
ranges::clamp |
ranges::equal |
ranges::lexicographical_compare |
ranges::is_permutation |
ranges::next_permutation |
ranges::prev_permutation |
Introduced | Revision | |
any |
bad_any_cast |
swap(any) |
make_any |
any_cast |
is an alias of std::any
if using C++17 or later to prevent
implicit construction of std::any
from preview::any
and vice-versa.
See any.h for more detail.<array>
Introduced | Revision | |
to_array |
Introduced | Revision | |
atomic_ref |
atomic_signed_lock_free |
atomic_unsigned_lock_free |
atomic_wait |
atomic_wait_explicit |
atomic_notify_one |
atomic_notify_all |
atomic_flag_test |
atomic_flag_test_explicit |
atomic_flag_wait |
atomic_flag_wait_explicit |
atomic_flag_notify_one |
atomic_flag_notifly_all |
atomic_fetch_max |
atomic_fetch_max_explicit |
atomic_fetch_min |
atomic_fetch_min_explicit |
Introduced | Revision | |
barrier |
Introduced | Revision | |
endian |
bit_cast |
byteswap |
has_single_bit |
bit_ceil |
bit_floor |
bit_width |
rotl |
rotr |
countl_zero |
countl_one |
countr_zero |
countr_one |
popcount |
Introduced | Revision | |
chars_format |
from_chars_result |
to_chars_result |
from_chars |
to_chars |
Introduced | Revision | |
std::chrono::duration |
std::chrono::time_point |
clock_time_conversion |
is_clock |
utc_clock |
tai_clock |
gps_clock |
file_clock |
local_t |
last_spec |
day |
month |
year |
weekday |
weekday_indexed |
weekday_last |
month_day |
month_day_last |
month_weekday |
month_weekday_last |
year_month |
year_month_day |
year_month_day_last |
year_month_weekday |
year_month_weekday_last |
hh_mm_ss |
tzdb |
tzdb_list |
tzdb_zone |
get_tzdb |
get_tzdb_list |
reload_tzdb |
remote_version |
locate_zone |
sys_info |
local_info |
choose |
zoned_traits |
zoned_time |
time_zone_link |
nonexistent_local_time |
ambiguous_local_time |
leap_second |
leap_second_info |
get_leap_second_info |
is_am is_pm |
make_12 make_24 |
Introduced | Revision | |
assoc_laguerre |
assoc_legendre |
beta |
comp_ellint_1 |
comp_ellint_2 |
comp_ellint_3 |
cyl_bessel_i |
cyl_bessel_j |
cyl_bessel_k |
cyl_neumann |
ellint_1 |
ellint_2 |
ellint_3 |
expint |
hermite |
legendre |
laguerre |
riemann_zeta |
sph_bessel |
sph_legendre |
sph_neumann |
hypot(x, y, z) |
Introduced | Revision | |
same_as |
derived_from |
convertible_to |
common_reference_with |
common_with |
integral |
signed_integral |
unsigned_integral |
floating_point |
assignable_from |
swappable |
destructible |
constructible_from |
default_initializable |
move_constructible |
copy_constructible |
equality_comparable |
equality_comparable_with |
totally_ordered |
movable |
copyable |
semiregular |
regular |
invocable |
regular_invocable |
predicate |
relation |
equivalence_relation |
strict_weak_order |
ranges::swap |
Introduced | Revision | |
byte |
to_integer |
Introduced | Revision | |
breakpoint |
breakpoint_if_debugging |
is_debugger_present |
Introduced | Revision | |
uncaught_exceptions |
Introduced | Revision | |
expected |
unexpected |
bad_expected_access |
unexpect unexpect_t |
Introduced | Revision | |
flat_map |
flat_multimap |
sorted_unique sorted_unique_t |
sorted_equivalent sorted_equivalent_t |
Introduced | Revision | |
flat_set |
flat_multiset |
Introduced | Revision | |
formatter |
basic_format_parse_context |
basic_format_context |
basic_format_arg |
basic_format_args |
basic_format_string |
format_error |
format |
format_to |
format_to_n |
formatted_size |
vformat |
vformat_to |
visit_format_arg |
deprecated in C++26 | |
make_format_args |
make_wformat_args |
formattable |
range_format |
range_formatter |
formatter<pair-or-tuple> |
formatter<range> |
format_kind |
enable_nonlocking_formatter_optimization |
runtime_format |
Introduced | Revision | |
reference_wrapper |
default_searcher |
boyer_moore_searcher |
boyer_moore_horspool_searcher |
invoke |
not_fn |
bind_front |
identity |
unwrap_reference |
unwrap_ref_decay |
ranges::equal_to |
ranges::not_equal_to |
ranges::greater |
ranges::less |
ranges::greater_equal |
ranges::less_equal |
compare_three_way |
ranges::three_way |
invoke_r |
bind_back |
move_only_function |
copyable_function |
function_ref |
is defined only for the purpose of mixed use with std::invoke
cannot be used in deduced context of std::reference_wrapper
. In sucn
case, non-standard member function to_std()
can be used.
template<typename T>
void foo(std::reference_wrapper<T> x) {}
int main() {
int x = 10;
auto ref = preview::ref(x);
foo(ref); // Compile error before C++20
std::cout << std::boolalpha << (ref == 10) << std::endl;
Introduced | Revision | |
hazard_pointer_obj_base |
hazard_pointer |
make_hazard_pointer |
Introduced | Revision | |
inplace_vector |
Introduced | Revision | |
contiguous_iterator_tag |
indirectly_readable |
indirectly_writable |
weakly_incrementable |
incrementable |
input_or_output_iterator |
sentinel_for |
sized_sentinel_for |
input_iterator |
output_iterator |
forward_iterator |
bidirectional_iterator |
random_access_iterator |
contiguous_iterator |
indirectly_unary_invocable |
indirectly_regular_unary_invocable |
indirect_unary_predicate |
indirect_binary_predicate |
indirect_equivalence_relation |
indirect_strict_weak_order |
indirectly_movable |
indirectly_movable_storable |
indirectly_copyable |
indirectly_copyable_storable |
indirectly_swappable |
indirectly_comparable |
permutable |
mergeable |
sortable |
indirect_result_t |
projected |
projected_value_t |
incrementable_traits |
indirectly_readable_traits |
iter_value_t iter_reference_t |
iter_const_reference_t |
iter_difference_t |
iter_rvalue_reference_t |
iter_common_reference_t |
iterator_traits |
move_sentinel |
basic_const_iterator |
const_iterator |
const_sentinel |
common_iterator |
default_sentinel_t default_sentinel |
counted_iterator |
unreachable_sentinel_t unreachable_sentinel |
iter_move |
iter_swap |
make_const_iterator make_const_sentinel |
ranges::advance |
ranges::distance |
ranges::next |
ranges::prev |
size(C) |
ssize(C) |
empty(C) |
data(C) |
if defined, preview::detail::pseudo_contiguous_iterator_tag
for some random_access_iterator
does not satisfy derived_from<contiguous_iterator_tag>
(typically before C++20)false
before using preview::projected
Introduced | Revision | |
latch |
Introduced | Revision | |
layout_blas_packed |
scaled_accessor |
conjugated_accessor |
layout_transpose |
column_major column_major_t |
row_major row_major_t |
upper_triangle upper_triangle_t |
lower_triangle lower_triangle_t |
implicit_unit_diagonal implicit_unit_diagonal_t |
explicit_unit_diagonal explicit_unit_diagonal_t |
scaled |
conjugated |
transposed |
conjugated_transposed |
setup_givens_rotation |
apply_givens_rotation |
swap_elements |
scale |
copy |
add |
dot dotc |
vector_sum_of_squares |
vector_two_norm |
vector_abs_sum |
vector_idx_abs_max |
matrix_frob_norm |
matrix_one_norm |
matrix_inf_norm |
matrix_vector_product |
symmetric_matrix_vector_product |
hermitian_matrix_vector_product |
triangular_matrix_vector_product |
triangular_matrix_vector_solve |
matrix_rank_1_update |
matrix_rank_1_update_c |
symmetric_matrix_rank_1_update |
hermitian_matrix_rank_1_update |
symmetric_matrix_rank_2_update |
hermitian_matrix_rank_2_update |
matrix_product |
symmetric_matrix_product |
hermitian_matrix_product |
triangular_matrix_product |
triangular_matrix_left_product |
triangular_matrix_right_product |
symmetric_matrix_rank_k_update |
hermitian_matrix_rank_k_update |
symmetric_matrix_rank_2k_update |
hermitian_matrix_rank_2k_update |
triangular_matrix_matrix_left_solve |
triangular_matrix_matrix_right_solve |
Introduced | Revision | |
mdspan |
extents |
layout_left |
layout_right |
layout_stride |
layout_stride |
submdspan |
submdspan_extents |
strided_slice |
submdspan_mapping_result |
full_extent full_extent_t |
Introduced | Revision | |
pointer_traits |
aligned_alloc |
destroy_at |
destroy |
destroy_n |
xxx_pointer_cast |
uninitialized_default_construct |
uninitialized_default_construct_n |
uninitialized_move |
uninitialized_move_n |
uninitialized_value_construct |
uninitialized_value_construct_n |
atomic<shared_ptr> |
atomic<unique_ptr> |
assume_aligned |
construct_at |
make_shared_for_overwrite |
make_unique_for_overwrite |
allocate_shared_for_overwrite |
to_address |
uses_allocator_construction_args |
make_obj_using_allocator |
uninitialized_construct_using_allocator |
operator<<(std::unique_ptr) |
ranges::construct_at |
ranges::destroy |
ranges::destroy_n |
ranges::destroy_at |
ranges::uninitialized_copy |
ranges::uninitialized_copy_n |
ranges::uninitialized_fill |
ranges::uninitialized_fill_n |
ranges::uninitialized_move |
ranges::uninitialized_move_n |
ranges::uninitialized_default_construct |
ranges::uninitialized_default_construct_n |
ranges::uninitialized_value_construct |
ranges::uninitialized_value_construct_n |
allocation_result |
inout_ptr inout_ptr_t |
out_ptr out_ptr_t |
start_lifetime_as start_lifetime_as_array |
owner_hash |
owner_equal |
is available, it is used before preview::pointer_traits::to_address
is not sfinae-friendly until MSVC 2022, so not used.<memory_resource>
Introduced | Revision | |
scoped_lock |
Introduced | Revision | |
align_val_t |
hardware_destructive_interference_size |
hardware_constructive_interference_size |
launder |
destroying_delete destroying_delete_t |
Introduced | Revision | |
e |
log2e |
log10e |
pi |
inv_pi |
inv_sqrtpi |
ln2 |
ln10 |
sqrt2 |
sqrt3 |
inv_sqrt3 |
egamma |
phi |
Introduced | Revision | |
exclusive_scan |
transform_exclusive_scan |
inclusive_scan |
transform_inclusive_scan |
gcd |
lcm |
reduce |
transform_reduce |
midpoint |
ranges::iota |
add_sat |
sub_sat |
mul_sat |
div_sat |
saturate_cast |
Introduced | Revision | |
print |
println |
vprint_unicode |
vprint_unicode_buffered |
vprint_nonunicode |
vprint_nonunicode_buffered |
Introduced | Revision | |
optional |
bad_optional_access |
std::hash<optional> |
nullopt |
nullopt_t |
swap(optional) |
make_optional |
, nullopt_t
is used if available, preview::nullopt
Introduced | Revision | |
uniform_random_bit_generator |
Introduced | Revision | |
ranges::range |
ranges::borrowed_range |
ranges::sized_range |
ranges::view |
ranges::input_range |
ranges::output_range |
ranges::forward_range |
ranges::bidirectional_range |
ranges::random_access_range |
ranges::contiguous_range |
ranges::common_range |
ranges::viewable_range |
ranges::constant_range |
ranges::to |
ranges::iterator_t |
ranges::const_iterator_t |
ranges::sentinel_t |
ranges::const_sentinel_t |
ranges::range_difference_t |
ranges::range_size_t |
ranges::range_value_t |
ranges::range_refernce_t |
ranges::range_const_reference_t |
ranges::range_rvalue_reference_t |
ranges::range_common_reference_t |
ranges::view_interface |
ranges::subrange |
ranges::dangling |
ranges::borrowed_iterator_t |
ranges::borrowed_subrange_t |
ranges::range_adaptor_closure |
ranges::empty_view views::empty |
ranges::single_view views::single |
ranges::iota_view views::iota |
ranges::iota_view views::iota |
ranges::basic_istream_view views::istream |
ranges::repeat_view views::repeat |
ranges::cartesian_product_view views::cartesian_product |
views::all_t views::all |
ranges::ref_view |
ranges::owning_view |
ranges::filter_view views::filter |
ranges::transform_view views::transform |
ranges::take_view views::take |
ranges::take_while_view views::take_while |
ranges::drop_view views::drop |
ranges::drop_while_view views::drop_while |
ranges::join_view views::join |
ranges::lazy_split_view views::lazy_split |
ranges::split_view views::split |
views::counted |
ranges::common_view views::common |
ranges::reverse_view views::reverse |
ranges::as_const_view views::as_const |
ranges::as_rvalue_view views::as_rvalue |
ranges::elements_view views::elements |
ranges::keys_view views::keys |
ranges::values_view views::values |
ranges::enumerate_view views::enumerate |
ranges::zip_view views::zip |
ranges::zip_transform_view views::zip_transform |
ranges::adjacent_view views::adjacent |
ranges::adjacent_transform_view views::adjacent_transform |
ranges::join_with_view views::join_with |
ranges::stride_view views::stride |
ranges::slide_view views::slide |
ranges::chunk_view views::chunk |
ranges::chunk_by_view views::chunk_by |
ranges::concat_view views::concat |
ranges::begin |
ranges::end |
ranges::cbegin |
ranges::cend |
ranges::crbegin |
ranges::crend |
ranges::size |
ranges::ssize |
ranges::empty |
ranges::data |
ranges::cdata |
ranges::subrange_kind |
ranges::from_range_t ranges::from_range |
may be incorrect before C++17pair-like
-> std::pair
Introduced | Revision | |
rcu_obj_base |
rcu_domain |
rcu_default_domain |
rcu_synchronize |
rcu_barrier |
rcu_retire |
Introduced | Revision | |
counting_semaphore |
binary_semaphore |
Introduced | Revision | |
shared_mutex |
Introduced | Revision | |
stop_token |
stop_source |
stop_callback |
nostopstate_t |
nostopstate |
Introduced | Revision | |
erase(std::basic_string) |
erase_if(std::basic_string) |
basic_string |
Introduced | Revision | |
basic_string_view |
std::hash<basic_string_view> |
operator""_sv |
preview::basic_string_view::operator bitset
preview::basic_string_view::operator string-streams
Introduced | Revision | |
source_location |
Introduced | Revision | |
basic_syncbuf |
basic_osyncstream |
std::swap(basic_syncbuf) |
Introduced | Revision | |
span |
dynamic_extent |
as_bytes |
as_writable_bytes |
Introduced | Revision | |
basic_spanbuf |
basic_ispanstream |
basic_ospanstream |
basic_spanstream |
Introduced | Revision | |
stacktrace_entry |
basic_stacktrace |
hash<stracktrace_entry> |
hash<basic_stacktrace> |
Introduced | Revision | |
text_encoding |
Introduced | Revision | |
jthread |
Introduced | Revision | |
apply |
make_from_tuple |
tuple_like pair_like |
basic_common_reference<tuple-like> |
common_type<tuple-like> |
formatter<tuple-like> |
Introduced | Revision | |
common_type |
bool_constant |
has_unique_object_representations |
is_aggregate |
is_swappable_with is_swappable … |
is_invocable |
invoke_result |
void_t |
conjunction |
disjunction |
negation |
common_reference basic_common_reference |
is_bounded_array |
is_unbounded_array |
is_scoped_enum |
is_constant_evaluated |
is_corresponding_member |
is_layout_compatible |
is_nothrow_convertible |
is_pointer_interconvertible_base_of |
is_pointer_interconvertible_with_class |
remove_cvref |
type_identity |
is_implicit_lifetime |
is_scoped_enum |
reference_converts_from_temporary |
reference_constructs_from_temporary |
is_within_lifetime |
is_virtual_base_of |
fails to define member typedef type
, it falls back to std::common_type
struct common_a {};
struct common_b {};
struct common_c {};template<> struct std::common_type<common_a, common_b> { using type = common_c; };
// fallback to std::common_type for user specialization types static_assert(std::is_same_v<preview::common_type_t<common_a, common_b>, common_c>);
// MSVC and GCC (before C++23) does not satisfy C++23 standard for std::common_type
// Since std::common_type does not satisfy C++23, preview::common_type does not fallback to std::common_type static_assert(std::is_same_v< preview::common_type_t< std::tuple<int, int>, std::pair<int, double», std::pair<int, double»); ```
Introduced | Revision | |
as_const |
in_place in_place_t |
cmp_equal … |
in_range |
forward_like |
to_underlying |
unreachable |
nontype nontype_t |
Introduced | Revision | |
variant |
monostate |
bad_variant_access |
variant_size |
variant_alternative |
std::hash<variant> |
variant_npos |
visit |
get_if |
Introduced | Revision | |